Senior Couple with surfboard smiling on beachAugust 21st is National Senior Citizens’ Day. While this day doesn’t get quite the fanfare enjoyed by the more glamorous and well-known holidays, it deserves recognition nevertheless.

Older adults play an important role in every culture by providing a type of wisdom, talent, and knowledge that’s hard to come by without the benefit of age. August 21st is designated as a time for the nation to collectively recognize the contributions our older generations have made—and will continue to make.

Spreading the Word about National Senior Citizens’ Day

To help you spread the word about National Senior Citizens’ Day, here are some inspiring older adults whose amazing accomplishments will bring you a renewed respect for your older friends and family. Use their stories to raise awareness by casually slipping them into conversation this week.

5 People Who Rocked the World after the Age of 65

Here’s a short list of 5 older adults who are impressive on every level.

  1. Nelson Mandela, Elected President of South Africa (age 75)

Nelson Mandela’s accomplishments range far and wide, but perhaps the crowning achievement of his career was being elected President of South Africa’s first post-apartheid government.

  1. Benjamin Franklin, Signed the Declaration of Independence (age 70)

Not only did this founding father pen his name to that famous document, but eleven years later, at age 81, he signed an equally famous document: the Constitution of the United States.

  1. Ronald Reagan, Elected President of the USA (age 69)

President Reagan was the oldest person ever elected President of the United States. He was also, coincidentally, the president who proclaimed National Senior Citizens’ Day! A member of the ‘greatest generation’, President Reagan did his country proud and served us all in numerous ways.

  1. Colonel Sanders, Founded KFC (age 65)

You can blame a measly Social Security check for the invention of this fast food giant. Love it or hate it, KFC is an American institution, and it never would have come about if Colonel Sanders hadn’t been looking for a way to supplement his Social Security and live better in his retirement years.

  1. Diana Nyad, Swam from Cuba to Florida (age 64)

She wasn’t quite 65, but we’ll let that slide. Diana Nyad became the first person to make the swim from Cuba to Florida without the comfort and safety of a shark cage. Though she did have a team of protective shark divers around her, we think it’s still very impressive!

Legacy Senior Living Salutes Older Americans

While not everyone is setting world records or changing the world after the age of 65, these older Americans show us all that we should never let age stand in our way. We hope you take this to heart and strike up some great conversations this week, especially on August 21.

Here at Legacy Senior Living, we honor older adults every day, in every way we can. We consider it an honor to serve and care for the generation that helped build the nation we all live in today. It’s written into our mission statement and lived out in everything we do in all our communities throughout the Southeast. If you’re currently looking for a senior living community, please consider a Legacy community near you.

Fill out the handy contact form on our website to learn more or to schedule a private tour!